Feelings come and go like the waves in the ocean. Sometime big and stormy and sometimes flat and boring. The years tick by and the same relationship problems keep cropping up for couples. Working on these issues with a therapist … Continue reading
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Did You Marry The Wrong Person or is a Core Pattern Holding Your Relationship Back?
Is your core relational pattern the root of your problems with your partner and not who your partner is? Continue reading →
Why is Mother’s Day so Awkward in Blended Families?
It’s awkward because you’re not the mother, but you are doing all of the momming when your stepchildren are home. Care flows from the top down. That means adults care for children and that’s the position stepparents are in, giving … Continue reading →
Definition of Blended Families
Realities of Blended Families
The reality is that life inside a blended family is different and that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Just different and usually, never simple. So first and foremost:
Friends from nuclear families don’t understand the nuances of blended family life – best not to ask them for advice.
Yes, it is normal not to love your step-kids right away – the feeling is probably mutual – you can all learn to move out of this.
One of the most helpful things to do is learn to have compassion for and understanding about your emotions, the children’s emotions and your partners emotions.