The Blended Blueprint series is now available and was created to help blended families find a better, easier way of walking the challenging path to feeling like a cohesive family unit. Concepts like the Insider/Outsider dynamic with the stepparent feeling like an outsider, Loyalty Binds where children get stuck feeling like they have to choose sides, and even how ADHD may affect relating and relationships.
Get your Blueprint for building your blended family and understand the differences and nuances that are shaping family interactions and throwing things awry.
Knowledge is power. Help your blended family gain strength and compassion to raise the chances of successful blending.
The Premarital Blueprint
Premarital counseling for blended families increases the chance of success by 23 percent.
This is a six week mini-course will help get you in the mindset of blended family thinking and help start your journey off on the right foot.
What to expect:
– Week 1: Learn about how blended families begin, the differences between blended families and first families and how to start of strong in your blended marriage.
– Week 2: Learn about the eight stages of blended family development, the hidden pressures, unknown expectations, goals, roles, boundaries and the insidious Insider/Outsider dynamic.
– Week 3: Learn more nuances about the most challenging time for blended families, the early stages of development, and discover how to avoid becoming a Frozen blended family.
– Week 4: Expand your knowledge of the middle stages of development.
– Week 5: Expand your knowledge of the late stages of blended family development, and a the final stage of Revival that only some blended families need.
– Week 6: Learn about the complications to blended family development.

The Brief Blended Blueprint
This is just the essentials. Learn about the eight stages of blended family development, what’s normal and what to do in each stage of development.
What to expect:
– Overview of the Eight Stages of Blended Family Development.
– Learn what’s normal and when to seek professional help.
– Understand your own emotional journey.
– Gain compassion (the glue for blended families) of other family members’ experiences.
– Utilize worksheets to help clarify roles, boundaries and loyalty binds.
The Complete Blended Blueprint
Learn what the professionals know and become your own expert on the challenges of blended family life. Understand the many psychological factors influencing underlying dynamics and why, exactly, are blended families so complicated. Attachment styles, parenting differences, and the eight stages of blended family development.
What to expect:
– Discover what truly makes blended families so complicated.
– Learn distress tolerance for the challenging early stages of development.
– Understand and accept the Insider/Outsider dynamic and how it affects the stepparent, bio-parent and children.
– Learn about the Eight Stages of Blended Family Development.
– Learn what’s normal and when to seek professional help.
– Understand your own emotional journey.
– Gain compassion (the glue for blended families) of other family members’ experiences.
– Utilize worksheets to help clarify roles, boundaries, loyalty binds and realign expectations.